(d)eimOS - Operating System

           (d)eimOS is an operating system used for critical conecctions with displaced members. The environment has its own programming language with which you can develop all kinds of software.

You can use (d)eimOS as part of walkirya , a global security system for controlling and watching one or more nets and all the elements involved in data processing and transmission.

Press here if you want to learn about (d)eimOS!!

           1- What is deimOS?

           (d)eimOS is an operating system (based on unix) used in Walkirya system for critical connections between the organization and the displaced members.
           Although its primary function is the connection, (d)eimOS is a functional operating system that can be used for any other purpose.Currently it has a programming language (a Basic owner with which is posible develo all kinds of programs) and a varied software package.

           2-Some deimOS characteristics

Can use the System Bar to access to the programs
and utilities of the envirment

Can move to the Programs Bar your favorites programs,
utilities or documents for a quick access.

Can use the terminal window for control the
system or open programs

Using the terminal commands your can control
the entiry system

You can create programs for using the dbasic IDE

The kernel have embedded a collection of shapes in 2D
and 3D to work with them from dbasic very quickly.

           3-Some deimOS Programs and Multimedia

Use the program dcamera to see your favorite videos.

deimOS has its own 2D animation format use paintdos
to edit and view them.

deimOS also has its own 3D format, with
3dworld you can view or edit 3D files.

Use the program texdit to create and save
encrypted text files.

           4- Leisure

Do you think you will win to half past ten
agains the computer ?

Or do you prefer to play arkanoid
and test your reflexes?.

Do you dare with the original snake with
graphics in text mode ?.

Or do you prefer save the planet with space invader

           ... and mucho more in deimOS!!